CHIAMACI: +39 039 963.04.52 - 039 963.04.06
CHIAMACI: +39 039 963.04.52 - 039 963.04.06
CHIAMACI: +39 039 963.04.52 - 039 963.04.06


Friday 11th of April, there were three special guests at Fuori Salone event in Via Tortona in Milan: the “Designer Busters”. They were looking for designers from all over the world, and their mission was to keep them safe in “Thinkalize”, a special web platform completely dedicated to designers.

Ornella, Marco and Luca, three professional actors from TAC Theatre, past four hours (from 5.00pm to 9.00) looking for designers with their special “design detectors”, entertaining people throughout all Via Tortona where the Fuori Salone event was taking place. Not only the attention of professional designers, but the one of any kind of people was attracted by our “Designer Busters”, whom sparkling and catchy performance couldn’t pass by unnoticed; from eldest to youngest were captured by the three actors and funny gags were built and filmed by our professional video maker  Andrea Sartoki.

Waiting for the video, here you can see the photo gallery of the event.

[widgetkit id=3751] is a brand new start-up built up by Nicoletta Grumelli (founder) and his team (member of SpeedMiUp made up by Bocconi University, Camera di Commercio and Comune di Milano), that with this low-cost action left a very good impression to people and involved an interested target that could find the possibility to get known throught the platform; the aim of this web platform is to create a virtual marketplace where designers can share their projects with companies and universities with the goal of a future collaboration. Moreover, the viral and interactive nature of “Thinkalize” let the designers collaborate together through the creation of work’s team.

The goal has been fully reached: designers participated enthusiastic to the action, let themself be carried away by the three actors and by a short interview about the proyect; came to light a propensity to the use of this online platform, which is going to have an active future partecipation by users.
Watching the show behind the scenes, we can observe that foreign people was more into the action than Italian people, showing an unconventional side that unfortunately falls short in the mayority of Italians.

So, we invite all of us to join our next no conventional actions by Flash Mob Milano, in order to prove that also Italians are fun people and, above all, unconventional people!


Lo scorso Venerdì 11 Aprile, all’evento Fuori Salone tenutosi a Milano, Via Tortona si è animata grazie all’arrivo di tre ospiti speciali, gli “Acchiappa Designers”: tre attori professionisti hanno attirato l’attenzione delle persone presenti inscenando la ricerca di designer disposti a collaborare con la piattaforma online “Thinkalize”, individuandoli con i loro rilevatori di creatività. L’obiettivo di questa azione non convenzionale era di rendere nota la nuova piattaforma ai designers, in un modo innovativo, brillante e divertente.

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